Mapping Web3 - An infographic

I personally struggled to initially understand Web3.

I created this map initially to personally understand Web3. I am sharing it publicly to give you comfort that Web3 is not complex, not as scary as you hear in the media, and is important for your career and for the career of your kids.

I now have a better understanding of Web3 after spending time and money to learn, experiment, and launch an NFT project I am a part of I intentionally left out so much more than what Web3 is about and merged a few concepts together for simplicity, even if it means upsetting Web3 diehards.

If you want to understand Web3, you need to ignore so many buzzwords and concepts to get a proper understanding.

I hope this map gives you as much comfort in understanding Web3 as it did for me while building it. I share business commentary on Web3 news on


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